WHOLE WORKS SECTION Alec Roth - Earthrise

This page is from the site www.singingpractice.co.uk where you can find many more pieces to help you with your choir practice.

File download area

The files accessed from this page contain the accompaniment and vocal parts synthesised on the Roland D20, or on an AWE32 computer sound card. The quality of the result however will depend on the quality of your own sound card and sound system on your computer. The accompaniment is spread evenly across both channels, but the parts are arranged on either the left stereo channel, or, in the case of your part, on the right stereo channel. Thus if you set your stereo balance to the centre you will hear a reasonable balance of all parts. However if you set the balance to the right, you should hear your part dominating. Conversely, if you set the balance to the left, your part should be almost inaudible (for confident singers, who probably don't need this help anyway!)

If you are using stereo headphones the effect can be achieved by offsetting the relevant earpiece so you hear less or no sound from it.

Please note that this is strictly for practice, and you should not expect a particularly pleasant sound, and I am afraid no dynamics.

Sometimes there are solo parts alongside the choral parts. In this case they will always be heard on both channels.

Sometimes before unaccompanied pieces, or pieces starting with no piano intro, to strike the rhythm for the singer, two extra bars are inserted at the beginning. The first bar contains the initial note of the part on each beat of the bar, and the second bar is empty.

Find your voice in the table alongside the piece of music you wish to hear or load down.To hear the midi file played, just click on it. Depending on your browser settings the file may play at once with QuickTime, or with MediaPlayer. Or you may get a pop-up which will offer you the option to "Open" the file, or "Save" it with some warnings about safety. If you only wish to save the file without playing it, its better to right-click and follow the drop-down menu to the "Save" option. In either case, you will be asked to choose where on your computer to place it.

Alec Roth - Earthrise

Peters Edition SATB accompanied

NOTE: If you click on the column under "Youtube?" (if it is not blank) you may find a reasonable quality actual performance, sometimes including a rolling score for good measure. Should you find a number (EG 5:50) this is the minutes and seconds offset to the start of the piece.

There are two tables below. In table 1 the enhanced parts are for the Choir, in table 2 they are for the Semi-chorus.

Youtube Versions: You may hear significant differences in some parts because they are from the original 40 part unacompanied version. For instance in part 2 you will hear sopranos singing an upper E from the beginning. In the SATB and organ score the note can be heard in the accompaniment only.

Table 1 - Choir parts enhanced

Title of Piece ComposerVersions for each partYoutube?
Earthrise - Part 1 Alec Roth Sop 1 Sop 2 Alt 1 Alt 2 Ten Bass 1 Bass 2 00:00
Earthrise - Part 2 Alec Roth Sop 1 Sop 2 Alt 1 Alt 2 Ten 1 Ten 2 Bass 1 Bass 2 00:00
Earthrise - Part 3 Alec Roth Sop 1 Sop 2 Alt Ten Bass 1 Bass 2 00:00

Table 2 - Semi-Chorus parts enhanced

Title of Piece ComposerVersions for each partYoutube?
Earthrise - Part 1 Alec Roth Sop 1 Sop 2 Alt 1 Alt 2 Ten Bass 1 Bass 2 00:00
Earthrise - Part 2 Alec Roth Sop 1 Sop 2 Alt Ten Bass 1 Bass 2 00:00
Earthrise - Part 3 Alec Roth Sop 1 Sop 2 Alt 1 Alt 2 Ten Bass 1 Bass 2 00:00

Score Reference numbers / Bar numbers co-relation

The bar numbers of the midi file will not always match the bar numbers on the score, The table below relates reference numbers and midi file bar numers for each part of the piece.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Ref. No. Bar No. Ref. No. Bar No. Ref. No. Bar No.
1. 6 27. 1 44 1
2 12 28 8 45 10
3 21 29 12 46 19
4 27 3018 47 23
5 31 31 24 48 27
6 37 32 29 49 36-
7 43 33 35 50 46
8 46 34 41 51 56
9 50 35 46 52 60
10 54 36 50 53 69
11 58 37 58 54 80
12 62 3864 55 91
13 66 39 68 56 95
14 70 40 75 57 104
15 76 41 79 58 113
16 80 42 84 59 121
17 94 43 88 60 130
18 88 - - 61 134
19 92 - - 62 147
20 96 - - 63 161
21 98 - - 64 163
22 100 - - 65 174
23 102 - - - -
24 104 - - - -
25 106 - - - -
26 108 - - - -
